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My camera is a Netcam XL 3MP digital camera and server from

The camera has an web server built in so all I did was connected it to my LAN. You can also connect it via a serial cable if you like. Then you configure it through a web browser. I set it so it would FTP the image to my weather station software PC every 30 seconds. The power for the camera is integrated into the cat 5 cable so there is only one cable running to the camera.

The weather-display software takes the image and adds weather information. It also keeps 30 minute history of the images every day. An animated image of the previous 7 minutes is kept up to date as well.

The camera is secured in a waterproof housing and then attached to my weather station mast.
Click for larger view The camera has a 4.5-12mm auto iris lens.  I have it set on 12mm so it has 30 degrees of view. This map shows the view I get. It is looking in the NW direction.

The auto iris lens allows for very good shots in low light conditions.  Even in the middle of the night you can see the lights on the North Shore and the boats going in and out of the harbour.

If you have Google Earth on your PC then this link will start the application and take you to a placemark of my weather station.

Weather Station.kmz


Click for a larger view. Here is a sample view with key locations marked.

If you like, send me an email, Steven Fox.